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School Board Members

Mr. Paul Craven

School Board President

Mrs. Judy Uhlenhake

School Board Clerk

Mr. Doug Shulski

School Board Treasurer

Board Meetings

January 2024

December 2023

November 2023

Annual Meeting 2023

October 2023

September 2023

About the Board

The duties of the Board are broad.  The Board's major function is that of developing policy.  In addition to establishing policies and regulations for the responsible operation of the district.  The Board also: 

  1. Approves property purchases.

  2. Approves building plans and accepts projects.

  3. Approves the budget.

  4. Awards bids for services.

  5. Employs educational and administrative personnel.

  6. Identifies and prioritizes district needs and goals.

  7. Serves on standing committees (finance, negotiations, personnel, policy) or temporary committees as identified for special purposes.


Brighton Elementary School prides itself on keeping close communication with our students, parents and community.  All parents want the best education they can have for their children.  Each community has its own unique needs and history.  We recognize the Brighton Elementary School community for its support of our teachers and our educational programs.  Our goal is to provide our students with a positive learning environment, quality educational programs, caring and knowledgeable staff members, and services that promote outstanding student achievement. 

Parents are children's first and life-long teachers.  The partnership between home and school is so valuable and we recognize that parental involvement is critical to children's success in school.  You can be involved just by speaking with your child nightly, helping your child with homework, volunteering in school, or joining a school project.  By welcoming and providing opportunities for you to be involved, we can work together to ensure that every student receives the very best education possible.  

About District Report Cards

As part of the state accountability system, reflected in Wisconsin’s approved ESEA Flexibility Request, the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) produces report cards for every district and school in Wisconsin. These Accountability Report Cards include data on multiple indicators for multiple years across four Priority Areas: 

  1. Student Achievement – performance on the state reading and mathematics tests

  2. Student Growth – improvement over time on the state reading and mathematics tests

  3. Closing Gaps – progress of student subgroups in closing gaps in reading and mathematics performance and/or graduation rates

  4. On-track and Postsecondary Readiness – performance on key indicators of readiness for graduation and postsecondary pursuits, whether college or career


Performance on three Student Engagement Indicators is also reported. These three indicators affect student success and school effectiveness. 

  1. Test Participation Rate -  goal of 95 percent test participation for all students and each subgroup. 

  2. Absenteeism Rate - with a goal of 13 percent or less. 

  3. Dropout Rate -  with a goal of six percent or less. 


A district's or school’s Overall Accountability Score places the district or school into one of five Overall Accountability Ratings: 

About District Report Cards.png

About WISEdash Information

Every year, all Wisconsin school districts collect information about their students, staff, and courses.  These data sets are submitted to the Department of Public Instruction where they're stored in a data warehouse.  WISEdash gives you an interactive way to select and filter Wisconsin school data from the 2005-06 school year forward.  Data is published by the Department of Public Instruction and is redacted to protect student privacy.  Additional historical data sets from 1998 forward can be downloaded as well.  Links to other education data sets and  key reports are available in WISEdash.

If you do not have internet access at home and wish to access this information, you may visit the Community Library in Salem or contact the school office to make an appointment to use a school computer.

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